Freezer cooking

I dig this way of cooking. You’re free to cook whatever you want, as long as it saves well. No pressure to create a coherent meal, just cook based on what time and ingredients you have on hand. For example yesterday I made banana mini-pancake muffins and banana oatmeal Omega-3 bars. I put o slice of bar and a muffin in a small freezer bag and chilled overnight, they are in the freezer now to take out one at a time on work days. Presto, a bunch of overripe bananas put to good use.

What are you oooking? Any favoourite recipes?

2 thoughts on “Freezer cooking

  1. Hey Katharine, Happy New Year! I have to freeze any muffins I make instantly otherwise I would eat them all! I am obsessed with all 3 recipe books by Ottolenghi at the moment, they don’t lend themselves that well to freezing (or to supermarket shopping in Hong Kong for that matter), but the flavours are amazing.

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